Everyone has heard the familiar chirp-chirp of a cricket. It is the male cricket declaring its love to a female which is produced by the friction of their upper wings when they rub them together. Where some may find the meaning enchanting, the noise gets old real fast. House crickets are a common pest in California and we at Ventura Pest Control would like to relate some of the basic fundamentals today.
House Cricket Identification
House crickets are identifiable by the three dark bands across their heads and the light brown primary coloring of their body. With large back legs, wings, and long antennae, these pests reach about 3/4 of an inch in length. Nymphs appear as adults but are wingless.
Loud House Cricket Sounds
Crickets do well in moist, warm environments. When they invade homes, they often congregate near kitchens, heaters, and fireplaces. Outside homes, they are typically in woodpiles and in the mulch. However, crickets can be found in various areas of the structure. More often than not, crickets escape into homes to find refuge from extreme weather conditions or to avoid being a predator's next meal. Homeowners are particularly annoyed by crickets because of the loud and continuous chirping that seems to go on all night long, as crickets are more active at this time. Commonly known as chirping, the male house crickets often produce a series of two or three short, high-pitched sounds. Crickets are attracted to fabrics like wool, silk, cotton, and leather, especially if they are stained with food and sweat. They will feed on these fabrics which will show an unraveled appearance. Inside homes, crickets will also dine on pet food, fruit, and vegetables. Running into these pests can be a little unsettling, to say the least. Crickets outdoors are likely found in fields and pastures and include plant matter and dead insects as a part of their diet.
How Long Does It Take For Cricket Eggs To Hatch?
As mentioned, male crickets will chirp songs to seduce their mates, and afterward, the females will find damp soil or a moist area to lay approximately 100 eggs in. It takes approximately one to two weeks for crickets to hatch. Once hatched, the nymphs will emerge in the spring months and take 2-3 months to mature. Homeowners can find house crickets hiding the different warm areas inside their homes and around the yard, particularly around the trash bins and upholstered furniture and clothes. If you suspect house crickets or hear their songs, we recommend checking these locations first.
Cricket Infestation Control
House crickets originated from Asia and first entered the U.S. in pet and fishing stores. The eastern portion of the country as well as parts of Southern California are now heavily populated by wild species. These pests are now reaching homes across the country, making infestations fairly common. Homeowners can reduce house cricket infestations by ventilating moist areas. Vacuuming on a routine basis can eliminate eggs and adults. In addition to professional pest control application. Call Ventura Pest Control today to schedule your preventative maintenance or deal with any infestations.
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